First Conference of The Moroccan Classification Society
23-25 Mar 2017 Tangier (Morocco)

Scope of the Conference

The program committee of the SMC'2017 is soliciting papers of fundamental and applied research in the following topics (but are not restricted to):


Theme 1 : Multicriteria Data Analysis

- Classification and Discrimination

- NP-Hard Problems

- Collaborative Classification

- Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning

- Mixed Models, Markov Models, Fuzzy Logics

- Optimization, Visualization

- Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms

- Spectral Classification, Selection Model

- Cross Validation, Artificial Learning, Support Vector Machines

- Big Data Analysis, Data Integration


Theme 2 : Bioinformatics and Life Science Data Analysis

- Algorithms for Life Sciences

- Big Data for Life Sciences

- Methods and Tools for Omics

- Computational Studies on Biological Networks

- Sequence Analysis and Comparative Genomics

- High Throughput and Next-Generation Sequencing (HTS, NGS)

- Predictive Models for OMICs Data

- Bioinformatics Databases and Algorithms

- Health and Biomedical Data Management and Integration

- Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS)

- Biomedical Text Mining

- Bioontologies


 Theme 3 : Multimedia Data Analysis

- Filtering, Transformation, and Multiresolution Processing

- Restauration, Enhancement, High Resolution

- Compression, Transmission, Storage

- Image Segmentation and Classification

- Color, Multispectral and Textured Image Processing

- 3D Image, Stereo Vision

- Video Image Processing

- Biomedical Image Processing and Visualisation

- Image and Signal Processing Applications

- Image and Video Indexation

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