Workshops > Microarrays Data AnalysisOrganizes A Workshop entitled: "Bioinformatics Analysis of Microarray Data"
Workshop title : Bioinformatics Analysis of Microarray Data. Workshop date : Wednesday 22 March 2017. Language : French and English. Number of places: Limited to 16. Workshop venue : MoBioHIC (Moroccan Bioinformatics and Health Informatics Center), ENSA Tangier. Workshop trainers: Pr. Ahmed MOUSSA Pr. Brigitte VANNIER Primary Trainer Primary Trainer Full Professor in Bioinformatics & Data Analysis Associate Professor in Cell Biology ENSA Tangier, Morocco University of Poitiers, France Ayyoub SALMI Ismail JAMAIL Sara EL JADID Taoufik BENSELLAK Co -Tranier Co -Trainer Co -Trainer Co -Trainer PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student ENSA Tangier, Morocco ENSA Tangier, Morocco ENSA Tangier, Morocco ENSA Tangier, Morocco
Workshop Overview : This workshop provides an introduction to the computational analyses of Microarray Data using a global workflow implemented with R and a demonstration in Galaxy platform. The course will also cover the different steps of Microarrays Data Analysis Pipeline with practical. Syllabus & tools : Participants will learn about the handling of Microarrays Data, from Preprocessing, Gene Selection, Classification to Gene Ontology. The course would be in the form of talks as well as practicals. Prerequisites: (Preferable but not necessary)
Registration: To make your registration, please fill out the following form: Registration fees and payment method : Please refer to the sub-menu "Registration fee" in the menu "Workshop" on the left. NB: Registration is confirmed only after registration fee payment.